Happy year-end!
As per tradition here on the blog, it's time for the annual editing wrap-up! If you're wondering how the editing went in previous years, you can check them out here:
As usual, scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post for my winter break dates. (As you’re seeing this post, I’m actually already on break!)
And without further ado, let’s look at some stats!
35 editing projects, totaling about…
7,173 pages, or
1,120,945 words (using ~50 average per page for manga)
All this editing took 389 hours and 56 minutes, which works out to about…
16 full days of editing.
Number of Edits Made
17,198 changes tracked.
1262 comments written.
7 reports typed.
18 questions answered.
17,000 words’ worth of story bible compiled.
Projects by Genre, Type, and Service
Light novels: 8
Manga: 19
Novels: 4
Novel excerpts: 3
Novel series: 1
Fantasy: 16
Isekai: 11
Sci-fi: 5
Game Lit: 1
Romance: 1
Cozy Urban Fantasy: 1
Copyedits: 9
Proofreads: 19
Editorial Evaluations: 7
Custom Story Bibles: 1
The Year Wrapped Up
2024 has been a year of feeling like I’m finally getting the overall structure of my business down. I’m happy with the services I offer and the authors and publishers I work with, and as I look into the future of Edits by Toni, I’m currently thinking: More of the same, please!
This last year has also taught me a lot about myself and how I best work. And one lesson each year gives me over and over: The ol’ brain function goes down and down and down the less rest I get, and to truly get a full recharge of my mental battery, I need time off. Like a bunch of it in a row. Continuing with my four-day work week, my summer sabbatical, and making time to host visiting friends and family has really kept me able to fire on all cylinders when it’s time to work.
I’m still working on ways to feel less tired during working hours, figuring out the rules for myself and the biz that keep everything working as smoothly as possible, and learning about marketing. All of this will continue in the new year. But looking back, I’m happy with the progress both I and the business have made this year! Things are coming together!
In case you’re not following me on social media, there was one other big change this year: a new puppy! I’ve never been more thankful for running my own business than when I took full weeks off work after bringing him home. (This kind of thing, by the way, is why I started limiting my scheduling to 3 months in advance—being able to take kinda-sorta spontaneous time off like this is really important to me!) The first week I was basically a zombie, and the second week it was so nice to be able to transition him slowly into the regular household routine rather than having to squish it into just a couple days.
Puppy’s name is Lomi. He’s still got a lot to learn, but he’s making progress in leaps and bounds, and I’m sure he’ll be a great addition to the crew, especially once teething’s over. Puppy tax:

Just like last year, I save my next year’s plans for the Story Sanctum, so if you’re interested in what’s coming up in the new year, enter the Sanctum for not only that but also editing and revision tips, pep talks, exclusive content and coupons and sales, and whatever else I think of that Sanctum subscribers might want to hear. The final email of the year is going out 12/26!
Winter Break
As you’re reading this, I’m already on winter break! I’ll be out of the office through January 6 this year.
I’m not traveling, but I am hosting a friend who’s visiting for the holidays, so I won’t be in my inbox at all while she’s here. (Nor on social media much, ideally!) But if you send me an email or DM, I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m back in the office, promise.
I hope you have lovely holidays if you celebrate and a warm and happy year-end if you don’t. Thanks so much for being here with me in 2024, and here’s to 2025!